Leaky Gut Syndrome (intestinal hyperpermeability) occurs when the lining of the small intestine becomes excessively permeable, or makes holes. LGS is often undiagnosed as many physicians and specialists are unaware of the condition. Symptoms of it can be vague, yet can be a serious threat to one’s health. There are many ways to test for it, but how can one repair their “leaky gut?”
Luckily, Colostrum-LD is clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome. It is a fantastic supplement for any patient with allergies, health problems, or autoimmune conditions. Colostrum-LD is a simple, easy to consume powder (or capsule) that helps digest food.
Some of the benefits include:
• Helping balance and maintain a proper immune system.
• Protecting and healing GI and stomach lining.
• Boosting muscle strength and stamina.
• Maintaining blood glucose levels.
• Aiding in preventing harmful pathogens, infections, and diarrhea.
Colostrum is a certified GMO, hormone, fat and gluten free supplement. Ask Executive Medical about it today!