Click the button or call to book an appointment.
NOTE: Our online booking system is an appointment request system. Not all services and times are made available online. You will not have an appointment until we call to confirm it for you. Once you reserve a slot, we will call you to confirm your appointment, and you may lose your slot if we are unable to reach you. Please call us at the numbers below if you need to be seen sooner or need to reschedule/cancel your appointment. We are closed late Saturday, Sunday, and Mondays, so we will be unable to confirm appointments or answer calls during those times.
NEW PATIENTS: Please make sure you fully fill out the Mozart intake form texted or emailed to you before the appointment.
MURRIETA PATIENTS: If you are booking in Murrieta on a Saturday, please note that due to shipping restrictions we cannot do lab draws on Saturdays, so any consults that require a lab draw (Semaglutide Weight Loss, Hormone Therapy, Testosterone) will have to do lab draws on another day or somewhere else. Please take note before scheduling a consultation on Saturday. (This only applies to Murrieta patients.)