Does this sound like you? You go to your doctor to go over recent blood work. The doctor says everything looks “normal”. But how come you don’t feel normal?
The problem is conventional doctors are trained to look for abnormalities based upon the labwork. As long as it’s within “normal” range, that’s the end of the conversation.
We now know there is more to labs than just a number. Often times it could be an abnormal metabolism.
So what exactly is your metabolism?
Your metabolism is the overall sum of all of the biochemical reactions throughout your life. Whether it’s the amount of sleep, your diet, or exercise routine, it all goes back to your metabolism.
There are several misconceptions that people have about metabolism. Detoxing your metabolism isn’t just fasting. Your metabolism is much more than how many calories you burn versus how much is taken in. But how do we understand our metabolism? One of the best ways to do so is to schedule a Metabolic Code Evaluation we offer exclusively at Executive Medical.
The Metabolic Code is a thorough medical assessment by one of our medical providers that assesses your state of being, and identifies wellness goals tailored to your needs. It involves a simple blood test and answering a series of health questions. The advantage of the Metabolic Code is it gives our patients a custom tailored report about their path to wellness. It will help give you a better insight of your overall health.
The Metabolic Code tracks the numerous factors on your health including:
• Genetics
• Drug History
• Disease History
• Exercise
• Stress
The Metabolic Code has been used for over 30 years to help patients get a better understanding of their health. It uses an extensive online questionnaire that helps doctors and patients construct a unique roadmap to enhance their overall vitality. This can be anything from dietary recommendations to supplement choices and exercise tips, from short term to long term.
The Metabolic Code is a proven system used by hundreds of dietitians and doctors around the country. Give us a call to schedule an assessment today.