The HCG program at Executive Medical is unique as each patients diet intake is created to optimize the fat burning effect of the HCG while maintaining muscle mass. Our nutrition specialists will take each individual’s specific needs into consideration before customizing a 500-1000 calorie per day plan based on height, weight, age, gender, activity level and medical conditions. This individual attention increases success rates by leaving our patients happy and feeling energetic while reaching their goals.
Please see below for answers to the most frequently asked questions:
What is HCG?
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone naturally produced by the placenta in pregnant women and almost completely controls the metabolic function through the hypothalamus throughout the pregnancy. HCG has been commonly used to treat a variety of medical conditions including infertility in women and hypogonadism (very low testosterone levels in men). HCG used for medical purposes is natural, but created in laboratories from sterile cells.
How does HCG work?
HCG triggers the body to use up accumulated fat as an energy source, ultimately leading to weight loss while protecting critical muscle mass. This preservation of muscle tissue is so important because by preventing its breakdown, we preserve metabolism and lean body structure including muscle tone. This may be why many people claim to lose weight differently than with standard weight loss regimens. In standard regimens, there is loss of fat and muscle with an overall shrinking in body size. With HCG regimen, people claim to undergo a reshaping of their body which is ultimately proven by a change in body composition.
Do I have to use “Loading Days”?
In short, the answer is “No”. There is no good reason for “loading” before you start your HCG diet. We do mention that patients may want to eat the foods they are going to miss over the course of the treatment, i.e. spaghetti and meatballs, ice cream, etc. Psychologically it may help with obsessive cravings if the patient has certain foods for one last time before the diet begins. However, this not a necessary step and is merely an optional start to the diet. There is a good reason to hold off on starting your low calorie diet plan for approximately 48 hours after beginning the HCG injections. The medication takes a day or two to build up in the bloodstream and therefore it is not at a dose considered to be therapeutic after only one injection. If a person were to start a very low calorie diet after only one injection, the protective effect of HCG may not be at its appropriate level. Therefore, we encourage patients to eat normally for the first day or two of taking HCG.
Can I exercise while on the HCG plan?
We do not recommend that patients start an exercise program while on the HCG plan. When you have no idea how the protocol will affect your body, adding exercise can create more stress for you. Once the first round is completed and you have a better understanding of how your body responds to the treatment, we recommend exercise on subsequent HCG rounds. You may continue exercise and activities if you are already active.
- Keep your level of activity constant. Do what you are doing now, in a moderate manner. Do not add anything new especially high intensity cardio.
- Do not use exercise as a means to lose more weight. Let the protocol do the work and focus on exercise as a healthy activity, used as a lifestyle activity not a weight loss behavior.
Can I use HCG through my menstrual cycle?
It is not necessary to discontinue the use of HCG while on your menses. As of 2016, there is no scientific research that supports the need to stop treatment while on your period. The current thought process considers this conterintuative as it would be extremely difficult for a women to discontinue treatment during a time that hunger and cravings are elevated due to hormonal flunctuations.
However, please be aware that HCG treatment may alter the menstrual cycle. How the cycle is affected depends on the patient and when the treatment was started within the cycle. If a patient has recently completed her cycle, there is usually less alteration. If a patient initiates HCG treatment mid-cycle, there is an increased chance of alteration and possible delay of menstrual cycle has been observed. This change is usually during the time of HCG use, and resumes to a normal pattern with completion of treatment.
To schedule an appointment to see if HCG is right for you, please contact us at 760-290-3552.